Unstructured reviews are online word-of-mouth.

  • Opinions about businesses aren’t limited to star-ratings and official reviews. 
  • Online reviews can be broken down into two categories: structured and unstructured. 
  • Structured are ranked in some way. These include reviews based on star ratings that come from sites like Google+, UrbanSpoon, etc. 
  • Unstructured are online word-of-mouth. They come from anywhere on the web where someone has mentioned a business without an explicit rating. For example, tweets, blog posts and news articles. 
  • Our system hunts for both, making it simple to track what people are saying wherever they’re saying it online.

People buy from recommended providers.

  • Google data shows 97% of consumers research businesses online.

  • 96% of online Americans use Facebook. (Bank Of America Merrill Lynch, May 2011)

  • 41% of the all the time people spend online is on social or micro-blogging networks, such as Facebook & Twitter.  (GlobalWebIndex poll of 170,000 internet users)

  • That’s an average of 2.53 hours per day, per person.

  • 51% of Facebook users, and 64% of Twitter users are more likely to buy from brands they see recommended online.

  • 53% of people on Twitter recommend companies and/or products in their Tweets, with 48% of them delivering on their intention to buy the product. (ROI Research for Performance, June 2010)

  • 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend the brands they follow. (Imoderate Research Technologies, 2010)

Fewer people buy when they see negative comments online.

  • 74% of consumers say they refuse to do business with a company if they find negative information about it online. (Harris Interactive) 

  • However, if businesses track and resolve those complaints, those consumers will do business with you again 70% of the time. (Lee Resources) 

  • So you can turn a poor experience into a good experience.

  • Americans tell an average of 9 people about good experiences, and tell 16 (nearly two times more) people about poor experiences. (American Express Survey, 2011)

How we improve your online word-of-mouth.

  • Our software combs through all corners of the internet and compiles everything being said about you. 
  • It automatically determines the sentiment of unstructured reviews and mentions – positive or negative -- making it easy to see if the writer was satisfied or not. 
  • Our system then sends you customized alerts, according to the preferences you specify. 
  • Then you can decide if you want to engage with your customers or patients.   
  • This gives you the opportunity to help reinforce and fuel more positive word-of-mouth, and to stop negative word-of-mouth from spiraling out of control online.